Super mario galaxy 2 sorbetti
Super mario galaxy 2 sorbetti

super mario galaxy 2 sorbetti

The observatory, mario lands on the observetory and it looks a bit diffrent than last time he was there 14 years ago, he sprints towards rosilina and tells her what happened, "here is something to help you in your travels, a luma slowly comes out from behind her and its the grandmaster luma all grown up. mario gets in the star and gets blasted into orbit leaving a trail of sparkly sounds behind him, he hurls through the atmosphere towards the glow, he can see what it is. Mario Watches as the ship takes of without him he begins to lose hope until he notices a glowing spot in the sky you can hear a faint voice "hurry mario come on" says the faint voice, suddenly a blue glowing launch star appears, mario knows what to do, he remembers the events from 14 years back, its time to do it again. Maybe I should just call all the other GameStops in the area before making a decision, though some of them are in dangerous areas, so I don't know. WIBTA if I just opened it? She's upset (mildly, this isn't a huge issue) and feels that I'd be throwing money away if I didn't seize the opportunity to sell it and just play a used copy. She once again countered by saying that there are like five more in the area that supposedly have it that I can still try. So I then pointed out that even though a few local GameStops have a used copy in stock per the website, this is often inaccurate, and I proved this by calling the closest one and confirming that they don't actually have it despite what the website says. She countered by saying that it would still be worth it because my copy is in pristine condition. I tried pointing out that the one on eBay is a graded copy, which from what I understand is an expensive, inconvenient process. The problem is that my girlfriend saw that there is currently a sealed copy on eBay with several bids (currently $250-$300) and more than a day left on the auction, so she says I should plan to sell my copy, buy a used one from GameStop tonight if I really want to play it over the weekend, and then use the profit for us to go out to dinner or something. I have this weekend off and am in the mood to finally play it, so I was thinking about opening it and having at it. I bought Super Mario Galaxy 2 in 2010 and somehow never got around to opening/playing it, so it's been sitting in my closet (brand new) for over a decade. White Wii System w/ One Wii Mote & Nunchuck, IR Bar & base stand (OEM).Zelda A Link to the Past (Box is Player's Choice, cart is regular).Secret of Mana w/ Strategy Guide (Official Guide).TMNT 3 (missing top flap of box, otherwise complete).NES Challenge Console Box Set w/ Super Mario 3 (Game & Console CiB, missing styrofoam, boxes in good condition).Super Street Fighter II Turbo (game & original jewel case with back art, front art missing).I will not respond to PMs/chat requests that do not have a prior comment on this thread, no exceptions. Happy to look at lists! I will gladly provide pictures upon request - conditions of boxes/labels/etc. Open to other offers, these are just my immediate/higher priority wants. All games are CiB unless stated otherwise. Hello! I have some things available for trade.

Super mario galaxy 2 sorbetti